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​Wakaki no team

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Tutor's message

Founder/General Manager of Operations/Artist in charge

Teacher Erinna

  • Graduated from the Faculty of Education, Chiba University

  • Master's degree from Chiba University

  • Foreign work experience in Japanese companies

  • Years of educational learning and practical experience

Hello everyone, I have experienced college entrance examinations and graduate school entrance examinations in Japan. I studied pedagogy in Japan for 6 years, internship in elementary school and university, and served as a classroom. And have work experience in Japanese and American companies. I am willing to share the living Japanese and more experience with you. At the same time, I am willing to share our joys, angers, sorrows and joys with everyone, and we will work together in Japan!

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​Director General of the Secretariat/Responsible for Arts and Sciences

Teacher YAMA

Graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Studies with a double degree in Japanese and studied at the Graduate School of Japanese Language Education, Tokyo Gakuen University.

The Japanese major is level eight, JLPT level one and EJU Japanese full score, and I have studied EJU Japanese for many years.

JLPT Japanese, Japanese conversation writing and other courses teaching experience.

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​Head of Academic Affairs/Arts and Sciences


Graduated from the Graduate School of Japanese Language Education, Tokyo Gakuen University, National Normal University.
During the school period, he sent a Japanese language teacher to a municipal education committee in Japan to tutor foreign students in municipal elementary and middle schools. At the same time, he has also been engaged in online education for domestic Japanese learners. He has rich online and offline education experience and is good at bilingual teaching.

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Educational Affairs

Teacher Zhuang

Graduated from the First Faculty of Letters of Waseda University. Obtained a Japanese middle school and high school compulsory education teacher qualifications, did not honestly graduate from the current year, while studying various academics and participating in work at the university, but still dreaming of becoming a university professor in the future.
The chief graduate was scheduled to graduate, but the Great East Japan Earthquake happened upon graduation. The school graduation ceremony was cancelled and the dream was shattered. After graduating, I mainly engaged in education. While supporting students from various countries who came to Japan with my own dreams, I also explored the realm where life is full of joy and sorrow, but when the hardships come to the end.
If the students have any needs, the poor monks are willing to help all sentient beings. Namo Amitabha.
Dear students, I have come to Japan without any basic knowledge of Japanese. I hope I can assist you and set sail together.

Art teacher

Mr. Kudo

  • Tokyo University of Arts

  • Completed the post-doctoral course of the graduate school.

  • Carving special attack.

Sculpture’s production activities and parallel して, high school や専门学校で art·sculptureを教えています.



Kosuke Ogasawara

  • Graduated from Musashino Art University

  • 5 years of teaching experience at Musashino Art University

  • Own design studio

  • Color, design, plane, three-dimensional composition

Born in 1976 まれ.  

In 2000, the basic course of basic studies in the Graduate School of Architecture, Musashino Art University was completed.

その后, several つかのデザインfirms でデザイナーとして勤务.

He is in charge of Akasaki Masaichi Office, Iwanami Bookstore "World", etc.


The main activity of books and journals of エディトリアルデザインを中心に. Now はフリーランスとして, acting, ダンス, 音楽, 画視どのチラシデザインを中心に活动している.

メッセージ "University" で艺术やデザインを学ぶ意味は何でしょうか?これから受験をする験さんには、単なる技术の习得だけでなく、 作品を作る上での考え方、物のと方てあ身あいていていてていていてゾ

Mr. Gengami

  • Graduated from Tokyo University of Arts, Faculty and Graduate School

  • Sculpture


Art Road

Wa saw free ni Mi e te, Mika ha day 々のauthentic na effortsのproduct Mi re ne ga large cut daっta ri, said wo intoむni waおpractice wo Science ba na ku te hai ke na kaっta ri, consistingのin ni mo not free sa ga presence shi masu.后归しないためには诚実に、悬命に取り组むこと。 Wa


無駄なことは何もありません. Futurist student no all さんが「艺术の道を选んでよかった」と思えるように、お手伝いができればプすしいででばプすしい。




Mr. Makino

Mr. Miyata

Koike wild dolphins

  • Graduated from Musashino Art University, Japanese Painting Department

  • Years of teaching experience

  • Famous Japanese art critic

  • 6 years of counseling for studying in American University

  • 97% pass rate of 6 years

  • Research Proposal, Graduate School of Gold Medal Lecturer

  • Graduated from Tokyo University of Art and Design, Class 1

  • 15 years of experience in sketching

  • Gold Medal Lecturer in Sketching Techniques



Daily life のなかで思わぬところにきっかけが隠されているかもしれません。


Positive にいろいろなことに兴味を持って観察し素直に感じたことを大切にして下さい。



In 1970, Yokohama was born. In 2003, the Department of Education, Graduate School of Education, Yokohama National University completed the course in the Department of Education.


Art, literature, drama, music, video, ダンス, デザイン criticism. Criticize articles in news, journals, web, etc. Co-authored: "The Possibilities of the Current Image of Yunshu アヴヴァンギャルド" ("Yunshu and Miyano Phases" Taiken Co., Ltd./2013) "それそれはれは云术でるははははでグるるはcreativity." Modern Art Museum/2014) He, the majority.

Essay: "The Commentary on the Development of the Art History-Insights from the History of Art" (Journal of the Society of Science and Technology/2007) "Massage of Yamaguchi Nagao "Rail" (Yokohama Art Museum Minutes No. 9/2008) He, Most.
  Lecture: "Japan Art Association and Young Artists Reunion" (Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art/2011) "70 Years of Explosion and Modern Art" (Nagasaki University/2015) He, many.

Planning: "Sky が近づく" (ACT/Suzuki Shosan Exhibition Hall + Aiara Miho, Kouchi Miho, Nagai Misato (ダンス) とのコラボレーション/2011) "ある、それ/いまま art" (ki hall, こま art Hikawa Hironobu (ダンス) + NECROMIST (音楽) + Ono Keito (dancing step) + ヒグマ Haruo (video, art) コラボレーション) others, many.

アルバイトから初めて13 years in the university, Yundamei University Preparation School デザイン科で実技の専任教师として勤务.


After resignation, 雑志レイアウト和び, レコード会社勤务を経て, デザイン専門校で実技の専頭計専を for 7 years.  


Participate in the soundtrack event in the college age, the beginning and the present. In the 1990s, the リリース后, アメリカ and びオランダ~ベルギーなどへツアー of the sound source of the 90s.

またsimultaneously, the work of the university era, the production of works, the solo exhibition, and the びグループ展を open reminder.


その他に、Planning your own バンドのフライヤーmaking、Some writing activities etc. 特に僕が君たちよりも伟い訳ではないのです。  


でも亞さんよりも倍くらいは生きて来ているから、なにかを頁は出ると思うのです。 お交いに「わかってほしい」と「わかりたい」があったら、 言语も艺术も年齢もその他ことけいっくこあと。それじゃあ君たちが来るのを、愉しみにまっています。  


Arts and Science Teachers

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Teacher Yu

​Physics teacher

Currently studying at the Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Has a wealth of teaching experience and a relatively complete three-dimensional vision of physics. Accumulate and explain profound theories in simple language, the classroom style is humorous, active, enthusiastic, serious and responsible.

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Teacher Dong

Comprehensive subjects

Remaining exams for comprehensive subjects also pass Aoyama Gakuin University and Rikkyo University at the same time. Has more than three years of comprehensive subject teaching experience, has a deep understanding of politics and economics, is good at using popular and simplified expressions, and gradually introduces knowledge points, so that students can improve their grades in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

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Teacher Zhang

​Liberal Arts Mathematics Teacher

Currently studying at National Tokyo Ocean University. I have participated in the exam for many times, and the math sub-item of the science exam is close to full marks. Have more teaching experience, be able to communicate with students closely, and be active and enthusiastic. Take students’ questions seriously and lively in class

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Teacher Lin

Chemistry teacher

Currently studying at Yokohama National University. The chemistry sub-item of the science subject is close to full marks. Have more than four years of experience in chemistry teaching for the exam, and the teaching style is humorous and humorous. Actively communicate with students in class to grasp the real-time mastery of the students. University and graduate school major is chemistry, knowledge is relevant and professional

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Take off teacher

Science Mathematics

PhD candidate at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Has extensive teaching experience in science and mathematics. Pay attention to the interaction and the feelings of students when they listen to the class, so that students can understand and digest what they have learned in class as much as possible. Be able to combine your own learning and scientific research experience to appropriately expand the knowledge points, and stimulate students' interest by introducing their application areas.

Music teacher

Mr. Dashan

5歳からピアノを习い始め、Middle school, high school の吹奏楽部でサックスを办当する.

また, high school では student conductor も is in charge. ESP ミュージカルアカデミーで管楽器リペアを専攻した后, Seizuku Gakuen, Otowa University, Otowa·Sound, Entrance, Chief, Graduated.

Mr. Shirakawa

  • Graduated from Musashino Art University

  • 5 years of teaching experience at Musashino Art University

  • Own design studio

  • Color, design, plane, three-dimensional composition

Mr. Matsumoto

艺の道は一见自由にみえて、実は日々の地道な動力の积み重ねが大切だったり、道を進むにはお作法て学ばなくてさり、個作法て学ばなくてさり、実作法て学ばなくてさり、実作法て学ばなくささささり.后归しないためには诚実に、悬命に取り组むこと。 Wa無駄なことは何もありません. Futurist student no all さんが「艺术の道を选んでよかった」と思えるように、お手伝いができればプすしいででばプすしい。日本でたくさんのいい出会いと学びがあることを愿っています。

Mr. Kobayashi

Pop singing

Mr. Muramatsu

Piano teacher

Mr. Shirakawa

ボイストレーナー is 25 years old.

パイオニア LDC's newcomer, Shine, Shine, passed.

In 1993, it was the same as レコード会社からメジャーデビュー.
デビューアルバム "PROFILE" contains 3 pieces of めアルバム and 7 pieces of をリリース.

In 1996, I opened my own body to cross the rice.
ホイットニー•ヒューストン, ポーラ•アブドゥル, etc., ヴォイストレーナー "TANYAYETTE", a special waiting to be born レッスンを受ける.

Afrika Bambaataa's Afrika Bambaataa's TASHAN's works will participate in the NY stay in.
帰国后,ソロシンガーとしてメルダックよりアルバム『IF YOU...』をリリース.

Kenny Yoshizaki's Rate いる ユニット Two-Be-Free にメインヴォーカルとして participated.

BassのKyrgyzstan Tianjian Shi, su Suites an have Suites su LITE interーDANGERのTsuchiya fair'sのfu ASTON nn ku yu niッSuites "apollo & bump school"のアHikaru Information found RousseauのTatariイSuites Hikaru song Silicone nn gaーni batsu pull Connecticut made me cry ru NADO, the number 々のアーte su SuitesとのU ra Baldwin RitzーSilicone Newspaper nn Information found LEC Jewelery Getting Dow nnドヴォーgrades Hikaruとresolved after activities.


Crystal Kay
Mika Nakajima バブルガムブラザーズ Bro. KONE
Nakanishi Keizo
And Kawamitsu Hiroshi Suzuki Sumi Matsuzaki
Mariko Iide
Shimano Hyakue Kobayashi Koe

At the time of 8 years old, appeared on NHK TV "ピアノのおけいこ" for half a year. Ida Jun, Date Nana, Iguchi Akiko, Kobayashi Hitoshi no Shishi.

Seizuku Gakuen, Otowa University, and the same university, graduated in special waiting for students, and graduated in chief.リサイタル, コンチェルト, 数々のコンサートを open reminders.

Crossing P・バルビゼ、V・ペルルミュテールの each clan teacher.   

Japan Kurashik Yinkunkun and Komurokbe International Konkol Outstanding Instructor Award, and the Best Instructor Award of the Japan Biana Research Association.
その他、数々のコンクールのcensor を务める.

Obtained from リトミック Research Center.

A regular member of PTNA.

Member of Japan ジャック=ダルクローズ Association.

Graduated from the School of Music of Otokura University of Senzoku Gakuen.


The same course has been repaired.マリア・カルボーネ、ガブリエッラ・トゥッチ女史、ガブリエーレ・ピサーニ氏にスペイン歌をフェリック・ラヴィッリ氏。


In 1988, Sunta·Mairyotaにてコンサートに appeared. In 1990, Romatsu studied abroad. In 1992, he played the role of にはイタリア and the city master of サレルノ 悬ラコンサートに.


オペラは "Fouro no Marriage", "ディドとエネアス", "カルメン", "ラ・エーム", "Ms. Butterfly", "Dancing Face Dance Club", "Adoriya", "Adori" and other performances. Nikon Corporation those have Suites de mo, "ninth" ヴ S Factory Hikaru video game ィ の "Toray ku イ by 3M," "Cmoll Chemie sa", etc., ro re nn tsu ォ · ba ヴ ASTON ー イ apos の karaoke ni Yori, JEFFAMINE Newspaper イ nn Suites ri Cytec ta Hikaru ya video game ィ cropped one Silicone Newspaper ー wo line u.


2000年には纪尾井ホールに于いて第一回リサイタルをOpen reminder.


In 2002, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the second session of the meeting will be played on the 30th in a concert. Also, the second time リサイタルを is open for reminders. In 2004, には, イタリア, サンタ・フィオーラにて「蝶々夫人"を演じ、大绝讚を得る.


Member of the second session, member of the Japan Performing Federation.

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